Home Improvement Skills Every Homeowner Should Know

Posted on: 13 April 2016

When you own your own home, the various repairs and upgrades are your responsibility. While you may hire a professional contractor for things like installing a new roof or completing extensive electrical repairs, some things can be done on your own. Here are some home improvement skills to consider learning on your own.

Basic Plumbing Repairs

When you start learning minor home improvement skills, plumbing should be at the top of your list. You don't need to install your own toilet, but you should know basic skills like replacing plumbing fixtures, tending to small plumbing leaks, and clearing clogged drains. These are skills that are easy to learn on your own and can save you money by not calling a plumber every time something goes wrong. However, don't hesitate to call a plumber for more serious issues that you don't know how to fix, such as a main sewer line being clogged or having improper water pressure.

How to Fix Minor Electrical Issues

Some electrical repairs can also be done by yourself without calling a professional electrician. For example, it shouldn't be too difficult replacing current lighting fixtures or ceiling fans when you are just using the previous fixture as a guide. Some other minor electrical repairs to learn how to do include installing new switch plates and outlet covers, and tending to the electrical panel or fuse box. On the other hand, don't try to install new wiring or work with the electrical system following a flood. As with other problems in the home, call in a professional when you don't feel confident in your own repair skills.

Interior Painting Tips and Techniques

Learning basic painting skills is a good idea when you are working on developing your home improvement skills. You should learn what equipment is good for interior painting, how to properly cut-in during painting, and whether or not you need to use primer. While you might want to hire a professional painter for some painting jobs, minor painting can be done on your own. For example, if you patch some holes in your drywall, painting over those spots is relatively easy to do. You might even want to learn how to paint small rooms in your home and cabinets in the kitchen to upgrade those spaces. However, if you have a lot of trim inside your home or need the exterior of the home painted, you are probably better off going with a professional residential painter.
